
Programme development, monitoring and review - modification

(Note: For collaborative programmes, please read in conjunction with the guidance on Partnership Development.)

5.1ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Suggested change(s) to a programme may be proposed by a Programme Committee, individual or group from within the University. Changes may arise from student or other feedback, or as a result of changes to the external environment. In all cases, proposed changes must be evidence based. Programme changes may take the form of major programme changes requiring peer scrutiny validation (either face-to-face or by correspondence), or minor modifications at the module level.

Major programme change

5.2 Ìý Ìý Major programme changes involve substantial revision and reformulation of a programme, or part of a programme. Changes may include those that significantly affect the programme’s awards, philosophy, aims and objectives, learning, teaching and assessment strategy, overall structure or its management. A major change is determined by the nature and impact of the proposed revision and not by the number of modules or credit value involved. Examples of major change might include:

  • Significant change to the overall programme aims and/or learning outcomes that impact on curriculum, assessment and other aspects of the student experience;
  • Any significant change resulting from PSRB requirements or other changes in the external environment, for example requirement to embed additional material in the curriculum across a number of core modules;
  • Change to the assessment pattern for a number of modules where these collectively significantly alter the overall student workload, underpinning learning experience or variety of assessment components;
  • Change to the structure of the programme which results in the student experience being significantly altered, for example merging a number of modules, adding a number of new modules or addition of an extended placement.

Note that a change from face-to-face to distance learning delivery will normally be via the major change route rather than a full review. This does not apply for collaborative programmes, which require a full review event for change in mode of delivery.

5.3 Ìý Ìý Programme Leaders putting forward changes that affect the programme as a whole, or a number of modules contributing to the programme, are required to consult with the Assistant Secretary, Governance and Quality Enhancement, who can advise on whether a major change event is required. Advice must also be sought on the process to follow in the event of a requested programme title change.

5.4 Ìý Ìý Major programme changes are usually implemented at the start of an academic session and normally addressed at review events. However, they may also occur between reviews, and if so, should follow the steps detailed below.Ìý

Step 1 – Approval from Dean of School and notification to Governance and Quality Enhancement

5.5ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý The Dean of School should approve the Team’s request to proceed with the major change. Once approved, the Programme Leader should notify staff of the Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement so a date can be agreed.

Step 2 – The major change process

5.6 Ìý Ìý After the proposal has been approved by the Dean of School and a date has been agreed with staff of the Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement, the major programme change will go forward for validation. A full event may not be necessary for a major programme change between reviews. However, peer scrutiny of the proposed changes will be required. In such cases, it may be possible for approval to be given by correspondence. If a full event is deemed necessary, all procedures as detailed in paragraph 8 below will apply, with the following modifications.

5.7ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý As a minimum, the Panel will include two internal staff, where possible from different Schools, one of whom meets the criteria for Convener and one of whom meets the criteria for internal panellist. There will also be one external with a professional and academic background. Where possible, panellists will be those involved in the original validation or most recent review.

5.8ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý The documentary requirements are as follows:

  • A summary of proposed changes, including the rationale for presenting major changes between review events;
  • Evidence of consultation with students and other stakeholders;
  • A statement on transitional arrangements for continuing students;
  • Other supporting documentation as appropriate and advised by staff of the Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement, for example module descriptors;

Step 3 – Final approval

5.9 Ìý Ìý A report will be prepared and provided to the Student Experience Committee, Senate and School Academic Board as set out in paragraphs 3.25 to 3.27 above.

5.10 ÌýÌý The Programme Leader must submit a revised Definitive Programme Document and Programme Specification to the Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement to replace the previous versions.

Minor modifications

5.11ÌýÌýÌýÌý Minor programme modification may include:

  • Adding, or replacing modules with new modules, defined as modules not previously validated within the University;
  • Adding, or replacing modules with imported modules, defined as instances where a module validated for another QMU programme (or exceptionally a module from another institution) is proposed as a core or elective;
  • Withdrawing a module without replacement;
  • Changing a module, which can include changes to the module title, content, teaching practices, modes of delivery, or nature of assessments.

Minor programme modifications are considered at Programme and/or School level. The correct approval route is determined by the nature and impact of the modification. Further information is given in the table under paragraph 5.27.

In the event that a number of module descriptors are being changed in such a way as to affect the structure, aims or overall assessment philosophy of the programme, then it may be considered a major programme change and paragraphs 5.2 – 5.10 will apply.

5.12ÌýÌýÌýÌý PSRBs will typically need to approve any changes to programmes leading to accreditation or registration. Early consultation with the relevant PSRB is necessary to determine the sequence of events, in particular whether QMU or PSRB approval should be sought first, or whether these processes happen in parallel.

5.13ÌýÌýÌýÌý The views of students affected by minor modification(s) must normally be sought prior to introducing any changes to the regulations for the assessment or progression of students. Programme Teams are also expected to consult the External Examiner whenever possible about any changes to modules and programmes.

Module changes

Adding/replacing with a new module

5.14ÌýÌýÌýÌý To add a new module to a validated programme, the Programme Committee should submit the relevant module descriptor and a module change form to the relevant Programme Committee and School Academic Board for approval. If the new module is replacing an existing module, the existing module descriptor should also be attached.

5.15 ÌýÌý The School Academic Board has the authority to refer new modules back to Ìýthe relevant Programme Committee where it feels that:

  • Insufficient information is included in the module descriptor, or insufficient explanation provided of the reasons for the change;
  • Discussion has not involved all key stakeholders;
  • The number or nature of changes proposed within a particular programme requires to be considered collectively as a major change.

Adding/replacing with an imported module

5.16ÌýÌýÌý Imported modules (i.e. modules from another QMU programme, or modules from another institution) do not normally require re-validation but their function in the programme under consideration must be approved. Where an imported module is presented as part of the curriculum for the validation of a new programme, the validation Panel should consider only the appropriateness of the module within the context of the named award. It is not necessary to re-validate the module, except where it has to be modified to fit the new award.

5.17 ÌýÌý Imported modules from within the University should follow the same procedures as those in paragraphs 5.14 and 5.15 above.

5.18ÌýÌýÌýÌý Modules may occasionally be imported from other institutions, following the same procedures as those in paragraph 5.14 and 5.15 above. However, the general academic validity of modules from Scottish Higher Education Institutions should be accepted and only the appropriateness of the module within the context of the named award should be considered.

5.18 ÌýÌý Normally, if individual students wish to use credit from certificated learning at another institution this will be dealt with through the University’s procedures for Recognition of Prior Learning. Details, including a module descriptor and transcript should be provided for consideration by the relevant Board of Examiners.

Withdrawing a module

5.20ÌýÌýÌýÌý To withdraw a module without replacing it, the Programme Committee must submit the module change form and a copy of the module descriptor to the relevant School Academic Board, or sub-committee, for approval. The School Academic Board will need confirmation that all programmes and students accessing the module have been informed and that alternative arrangements can be put in place.

Module change

5.21ÌýÌýÌýÌý Most module changes can be approved by the Programme Committee and reported to the School Academic Board. For collaborative programmes, this responsibility rests with the Joint Board of Studies.

5.22ÌýÌýÌýÌý A summary of types of module change and the usual route for approval is provided below. The Division of Governance and Quality Enhancement can provide guidance on the examples below, and other types of module change not listed in the table.

5.2.3ÌýÌýÌý Changes agreed by the Programme Committee must be reported to the School Academic Board through the minutes of the Programme Committee or Joint Board of Studies and/or highlighted on a cover sheet. In most cases, the School Academic Board will note the changes without discussion. If a proposed change has an impact on another programme that accesses the module as an elective, the notification to the School Academic Board should allow enough time for this to be highlighted and any consequences addressed before the next iteration of the module.

5.24ÌýÌýÌýÌý If a module change needs to come to the School Academic Board, the Programme Committee must submit the old and new module descriptors along with the module change form for approval.

5.25ÌýÌýÌýÌý If the Programme Committee or School Academic Board recommends approval of the module change then it will be reported to Student Records and the Academic Administration by the Secretary to the Committee or Board.

5.26ÌýÌýÌýÌý Normally any module changes will take effect in the next academic year. The Programme Team is responsible for ensuring that all students are informed of the change(s) once agreed.

5.27ÌýÌýÌýÌý The Programme Leader is responsible for incorporating any approved changes into the Definitive Programme Document.

Committee responsibility for module changes

Type of change

Programme Committee

School Academic Board

Module Co-ordinator name

For noting


Member of teaching team



Texts/reading list

Notify library only





Formative assessments[1]



Minor changes/clarifications to wording of learning outcomes



Minor changes to delivery pattern and learning experiences



Major change to pattern of delivery – e.g. from classroom to distance learning, weekly to week block



A change in assessment weighting of no more than 10% (e.g. from 80/20 to 60/40)


For noting

A change to word length of an assignment or duration of an exam of no more than 25% (e.g. from 2 hours to 2.5)


For noting

Change to semester of delivery


For noting

Module Title


For noting

Addition or removal of learning outcomes



Change to assessment format or pattern



A change in assessment weighting of greater than 10% (eg from 80/20 to 50/50)



Significant change to word length or exam duration (more than 25%) (e.g. from 2 hours to 3)



Addition or removal of assessment component



Change in credit value



New module



Module withdrawal




[1] The University does not require teams to specify formative assessments on module descriptors. This allows for flexibility. However, it is open to teams to include formative assessment on their descriptor. This can be useful to demonstrate to students how the formative task leads on to the summative assessment.

Other modifications

5.28ÌýÌýÌýÌý Any other types of programme changes, such as changes to programme regulations, should be submitted, with a rationale, to the relevant School Academic Board, or sub committee, for approval.

Programme withdrawal

6.1ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý It may be desirable or necessary to withdraw certain programmes from the University’s portfolio of provision. Such withdrawals should be properly planned and all relevant students and staff fully informed and consulted. Arrangements to support existing students must be considered. It is therefore required that programme withdrawals be approved by the following procedure.

6.2ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý The proposed withdrawal must be confirmed by the Dean of School, to assure alignment with the School Operational Plan. Normally, withdrawals will be discussed as part of the development of the School Operational Plan. The Dean will inform the Marketing and Communications Office and Admissions and Recruitment.

6.3ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý The Head of Admissions and Recruitment must be consulted regarding information to be provided to current or future applicants. It is essential that full information is provided to any applicants holding offers for the withdrawn programme.

6.4ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý An application for programme withdrawal must be submitted on the programme withdrawal form to the School Academic Board, which reports to Senate. On this form, the Division must clarify the reasons for the proposed withdrawal and the arrangements to be made for students still on the programme. Senate has final authority to approve the withdrawal of programmes from the University portfolio.

6.5ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý If a programme is about to be withdrawn but has reached the end of its review period, an interim review may be required in order to ensure those students still completing the programme continue to receive an appropriate quality of learning experience. The Assistant Secretary, Governance and Quality Enhancement, in consultation with the University Secretary, will determine the review format on receipt and consideration of the programme withdrawal form.

6.6ÌýÌýÌýÌýÌýÌý Once the withdrawal has been approved, the Division must liaise with all affected support areas, especially Admissions, to ensure they are updated. Any implications for the Learning Resource Centre should be discussed with the Academic Liaison Librarian.

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